Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Weight-Loss Drugs: Hoopla and Hype

Looking for a shortcut to lose weight? Something easy and painless? The advertisers know...

“Lose 8 to 10 pounds per week, easily ... and you won’t gain the weight back afterward.”

“Lose up to 2 pounds daily without diet or exercise!”

“You could lose up to 10 lbs. this weekend!”

“Clinically proven to give you a better body without spending countless hours dieting or working out.”

“Lose 10 lbs. and unwanted inches in 48 hours. Guaranteed!”

"Do these promises sound too good to be true? Well," writes Jane Brody of the New York Times, "they are. They are among hundreds of advertising claims and testimonials touted by sellers of over-the-counter weight-loss remedies. They appear in leading magazines and newspapers, on television infomercials and the Web. And millions of people succumb to the pie-in-the-sky promises every day, throwing away good money and, sometimes, their good health along with it. -

Monday, April 23, 2007

Winning the Nutrition Game, with Help from a Coach


A change in nutrition is helping one lady lose weight - big time...

She's someone else who thought that she'd lose weight by exercising. But it was happening “at a snail’s pace.” Then someone told her about nutrition.

Just in from the New York Times...

MARIAM NOORZAI of Camarillo, Calif., struggled with obesity for 20 years and at one time weighed 279 pounds. She tried weight programs from Atkins to Weight Watchers, but it wasn’t until she hired a personal nutrition coach last fall that she finally lost the excess weight, dropping to 128 pounds.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Sodas yanked from schools, finally...


The American Beverage Association, purveyors of all sodas and other sugar water to children in schools, has finally acknowledged the connection between kids drinking that at school, and their obesity and health problems...

From their press release:

"Under the new policy, the beverage industry will provide:

* Elementary Schools with only water and 100 percent juice.

* Middle Schools with only nutritious and/or lower calorie beverages, such as water, 100 percent juice, sports drinks, no-calorie soft drinks, and low-calorie juice drinks. No full-calorie soft drinks or full-calorie juice drinks with five percent or less juice until after school; and

* High Schools with a variety of beverage choices, such as bottled water, 100 percent juice, sports drinks, and juice drinks. No more than 50 percent of the vending selections will be soft drinks."

It's slowly being implemented. Has it happened at your school yet?

Sexberries, kings and concubines...


Did you ever think health could be sexy? Well some nutrients seem to be...

Once upon a time, there were certain kings with more concubines than others. There was no Viagra...they used something better...a little berry.

It was a lot of work for those ancient kings to keep up with (i.e. service) all their concubines, and some of them got left out. To help keep all of them happy, it is rumored, kings in the know popped a little berry during the day - the wolfberry. That seemed to do the trick.

Those were the pre-Viagra days.

But today, who that reads isn't worried about the side effects of the big V? So here's one natural alternative - wolf berries (AKA Goji berries or xxx).

They're available in Chinatown in NYC and San Francisco, and in between, there's Google.

If you seek a shortcut, like I did, little pills are available that have those berry nutrients - highly concentrated. I've got mine.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Coffee: one of the most chemically treated food crops on the planet.

"Every cup of coffee you sip has a story to tell. Its origin has an impact on our environment as well as the health of the people who grow it and drink it... before you order your next latte or double espresso -

Coffee is one of the most chemically treated food crops on the planet. It is heavily sprayed with pesticides and grown with chemical fertilizers, herbicides and fungicides, all known to cause health problems, including cancer and nervous system and reproductive disorders. In fact, most coffee is imported from countries that use chemicals that are banned in this country..." Entire piece here (PDF)

"Knowing what’s in your coffee and where it came from is a good place to start. Buying organic, fair trade and shade grown coffee costs a little more, but what you’re paying for is a better tasting, healthier brew…as well as peace of mind."

[Writer Beth Greer has helped thousands of people see possibilities and feel empowered to make changes in their lives through her role as former President of The Learning Annex, a nationally renowned alternative adult education school. She has lived through the process of discovering a tumor, then successfully shrinking it away without drugs or surgery, using alternative methods of healing. She lives in Mill Valley with her husband and 8-year-old daughter. Contact Beth at supernaturalmom2@aol.com.]

Wal-Mart gets it: goes organic.

Wal-Mart Plans to Move More Aggressively into Organics, Now its Fastest Growing Category

Wal-Mart President and CEO, F. Lee Scott, proclaimed at the giant company's annual meeting 6.6.06, that he is "excited about organic food, the fastest growing category in all of food, and at Wal-Mart."

He said people in all income brackets want organic food products for their family, and lower-income families should not be denied such goods due to high prices...


Of course, not everyone's happy about Wal-Mart's Organic Offensive...including organic farmers. Here's why...

Thursday, April 19, 2007

"Secondhand smoke: can lead to disease and premature death in children and nonsmoking adults."

Of course we've heard this over and over, but here's the latest from the U.S. Surgeon General:

"Secondhand smoke dramatically increases the risk of heart disease and lung cancer in nonsmokers and can be controlled only by making indoor spaces smoke-free, according to a comprehensive report issued yesterday by U.S. Surgeon General Richard H. Carmona.

"The health effects of secondhand smoke exposure are more pervasive than we previously thought," Carmona said. "The scientific evidence is now indisputable: Secondhand smoke is not a mere annoyance. It is a serious health hazard that can lead to disease and premature death in children and nonsmoking adults."

Here's the June 28,2006 story from the Washington Post. And here's the PDF in case.